Thursday, 3 December 2009

Woodilee/Stoneyett Loop

44.00- 5.79 miles
Steady run up the old hospital grounds and onto the hilly country roads to Stoneyetts where the new motorway extension cuts right through the countryside . The shape of the road can now be seen from the top of  the hill at Stoneyetts and vast amounts of earth have been shifted to create this extension.
The run was a steady one and I am starting to find the runs a bit easier now as my fitness improves but I have a long way to go top approach the level I was at in August/September .
Last night I came across a old photo of my dad,brother and me in South Africa getting ready to start a road race during 1977 . When we lived in SA the running scene was huge and most road races were getting fields in the 1000's and in 1978 my father ran the Comrades Marathon where I was his seconder and ran the last 14 miles with him . When we returned to Scotland it was 82/83 before the distance boom took of with races like the Glasgow Marathon at the forefront . 

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